Group show with Lucia Canto', Elisa Montessori, Stata Forte, Camile Sproesser, Carmen Gloria Morales
Monitor, Roma
2024 É TUTTO VERO - Site-specific project at Motta Filocastro, Calabria, Italy, Curated by ALTROVE, Project by Fondazione Elpis, Galleria Continua, in collaboration with Threes Production
2024 IN MY END IS MY BEGINNING, curated by Spazio Taverna in collaboration with Ego Virdo, Palazzo Collicola, Spoleto
2021 Terrain Amère, solo show, GALERIE CHLOE SALGADO, Paris, France
2018 Calcare il Mondo, GALERIE CHLOE SALGADO, Paris
2018 More, Galerie Mansart, curated by Azad Asifovich, Paris, France
2015 Sistema, Case Romane del Celio (site-specific solo-show),curated by Carlotta Monteverde, Roma, Italy
2024 Le tentazioni d'apollo group show Prac Arte Contemporanea curated by Graziano Menolascina and Sergio Pimpinelli, PRAC CENTRO PER L'ARTE CONTEMPORANEA, Ponzano Romano, IT
2024 Energie Contemporanee Gazometro, Roma Group Show curated by Spazio Taverna for ENI
2024 RIFRAZIONI 15 CURATORI X 15 ARTISTI - group show, invited by Stefano Chiodi,, Accademia Nazionale di San Luca, Roma, Italy
2024 Sculture nella città, dall'arte pubblica di Arnaldo Pomodoro allo spazio urbano di dieci giovani autori - group show curated by Pippo Ciorra, Michele Giorgi e Carola Nava, Fondazione Pescheria, Pesaro, It
2024 Utopiche seduzioni group show curated by Nadia Stefanel e Matteo Galbiati, Fondazione Dino Zoli, Forlì, Italy
2024 DIADI - group show curated by Collettivo curatoriale Luiss, Fondazione Nicola Del Roscio, Roma, Italy
2023 IMAGINA, Biennale di Gubbio - group show curated by Spazio Taverna, Palazzo Ducale, Gubbio, Italy
2023 I’ve got a feeling, les 5 sens dans l’art contemporain, group show, Musée des Beaux Arts d'Angers, France
2023 La sostanza agitata - group show curated by Saverio Verini, PalazzoCollicola, Spoleto, Italy
2023 Ultramoderne - Straperetana VII - group show curated by Paola Capata and Delfo Durante, Pereto, Italy
2023 Frammenti da Lontano- group show curated by Giuliana Benassi, Galleria Mazzoli, Modena, Italia
2023 Le ferite di Roma - group show curated by Spazio Taverna, Galleria Mattia De Luca, Roma, Italia
2022 WE LOVE ART, Vision and Creativity Made in Italy, Itinerant group show promoted by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and Cassa Depositi e Prestiti - Curated by Ludovico Pratesi and Marco Bassan
2022 There is water sleeping at the bottom of each memory, group show curated by Chiara Onestini, SOTTO Project Room, Galleria Renata Fabbri, Milano, Italy
2022 ANTE OPERAM - group show, Piano bi outdoor #1, Palazzo Marescalchi Belli, Rome, Italy
2022 DIN♡S- group show, GALERIE CHLOE SALGADO, Paris
2022 THE DEEP END - group show, Two-thirds Project Space, Athens (GR), curated by Dinos Chatzirafailidis
2021 THERE IS NO PLACE LIKE HOME - group show, Mandrione, Rome, curated by Giuliana Benassi
2021 This is not a curated exhibition - group show, invited by Alice Paltrinieri, Galleria Ramo, Como, Italy
2021 Réunion sur cellulose - group show, Galerie Chloe Salgado, Paris
2021 ECCO - group show, collaboration with Apolonia Sokol, curated by Laura Cherubini, assisted by Veronica Siciliani Fendi, Villa Medici, Rome, Italy
2021 WINDOWS - Group show curated by Teodora di Robilant for Festival dei due Mondi, Accademia di San Nicolò, Spoleto, Italy
2021 NUTI.SCARPA - Duo-show with Delfina Scarpa curated by Teodora di Robilant, Galleria Alessandra Bonomo, Roma, Italy
2021 II - Duo-show with Alessandro Giannì, with a text by Giuliana Benassi, Spazio Mensa, Roma, Italy
2020 Shhhh...It's a Secret - Group show in a secret location in Rome, curated by POSTMASTERS GALLERY, Roma, Italy
2020 INSIEME - Group show curated by Gianni Politi, Mura Aureliane, Roma, Italy (catalogue)
2020 Rilevamenti 2 - Group Show curated by Bruno Corà, Museo CAMUSAC, Cassino, Italy (catalogue)
2020 LA MUSEE 2 - Group show curated by Azad Asifovich, Studio La Città, Verona, Italy
2020 LA MUSEE - Group show curated by Azad Asifovich, Galerie Italienne, Paris, France
2020 THE MILKY WAY 5 - Group show curated by Damiana Leoni, promoted by Pianoterra Onlus, Galleria Franco Noero, Torino, Italy (catalogue)
2019 A curated collection - Group show curated by Catharina Herold, Galerie Herold, Sylt, Germany
2019 Private Choice - ephemeral contemporary collection of art and design in a historic apartment, curated by Nadia Candé, Paris, France
2019 Mirabilia Urbis, project by Artq13 curated by Giuliana Benassi, Campo de' fiori and Around, Roma, Italy (catalogue)
2019 État des Lieux, curated by Lucie LeBouder and Alexane Morin, La Vallée, Bruxelles, Belgium
2019 Point Zéro - Group show, Galerie Chloé Salgado, Paris, France
2019 Living in Chtulucene - Group show curated by Valentino Catricalà, Istituto Italiano di Cultura, New Delhi, India
2018 Une histoire de tout - Group show curated by Lisa Eymet, Villa Belleville, Paris, France
2018 MFW - Nouvelle Collection Paris, Collection Croisière 2019, curated by Sarah Nefissa Belhadjali, La panacée-MoCo, Montpellier, France
2018 PART 1 - Group show curated by Teodora Di Robillant, Galleria Alessandra Bonomo, Roma, Italia
2017 Rob à Robe - Nouvelle Collection SS17 by Sarah Nefissah Belhadjali, DOC! Paris, France
2016 Fail Better - Revue Composition, curated by Dorothée Davoise and Sophie Gaucher, Galerie OFR, Paris, France
2016 A LINEA - Site-specific project curated by Catégorie_Arts, Courbevoie (Paris), France
2016 FRAGILE - Group show curated by Jean-Luc Blanc et Azad Asifovich, Galerie Mansart, Paris, France
2014 Attractions - Duo-show with Sandra Plantiveau, curated by l'Atelier Blanc, Galerie Sainte Catherine, Rodez, France
2013 Le Temps d'une Ruine - Group show curated by Lulù Nuti and Charlotte Boutron, La Maison des Ensembles, Paris, France
2012 Fairy Tale - Biwako Biennale, curated by Yoko Nakata, Omihachiman, Shiga, Japan (catalogue)
+ DUO LU.PA (duo with Pamela Pintus)
2022 IPERCONNESSE - performance inside MATERIA NOVA, Galleria d'Arte Moderna di Roma, Rome, Italy (catalogue)
2022 VACANZA, Teletransport Holidays - for POST TURISMO, group show, a project by Post Ex curated by Giuliana Benassi, Rome, Italy
2021 LA COMUNITÀ INOPEROSA, Contemporanea Ventiventuno - group show curated by Giuseppe Armogida, Palazzo Ducale, Tagliacozzo, Italy (catalogue)
2021 BRONZINI - group project curated by GB Group, Sala 1, Roma, Italy
2019 VACANZA, Teletransport Holidays - for MAKER ART, curated by Valentino Catricalà, MAKER FAIRE - The European Edition, Rome, Italy
2019 MICROCOSMO group show curated by Antonio Trimani e Monica di Gregorio, Palazzo Doria Pamphilj, Valmontone, Italy
2018 SANS TITRE (ZADKINE), performance commissioned by Azad Asifovich and Noëlle Chabert inside the show "The Instinct of Matter" , Musée Zadkine, Paris, France
2018 NODUM, project inside Apulia Land Art Festival, Casa Rossa, Alberobello, Italy
2018 PARLA, performance for AROUND I HERE , ASTRA VOL.I, Spoleto, Italy
2018 OLO #1 Spazio Y, Rome, Italy
2018 Villa Belleville, Paris, France
2017 BOC'S, Residency curated by Alberto D'Ambruoso and Annalisa Ferraro, Cosenza, Italy
2017 The Owner's Cabin, Cielo d'Italia, Atlantic Ocean
2017 Bikini Art Residency, Lake Como, Italy
2014 La Résidence, Dompierre-sur-Besbre, France
2012 Biwako Biennale, Omihachiman, Shiga, Japan
2015 Finalist - Prix Dauphine pour l'Art Contemporain, Université Paris-Dauphine, Paris, France
2013 Special Jury Prize - Prix de la jeune création de Saint-Rémy, France
2011 Sélection Under 25 - Premio Arte Laguna, Venice, Italy
"Il Disegno é un sentimento", STUDIO VISIT, LUDOVICO Pratesi for Exibart on paper n.112, 2021 (it)
Lulù Nuti and Delfina Scarpa, Ida Panicelli translated by Marguerite Shore, critic review, ARTFORUM, 2021 (it)
Das Einfrieren von Erinnerung, Lulù Nuti in der Galerie Chloé Salgado, interview with Teresa Hantke, Gallerytalk.net, 2021 (ger)
Geologie Liriche, la scultura di Lulù Nuti, critic review, Mattia Curucullo, Pensiero Meridiano, 2021 (it)
Dietro il Paesaggio, critic review NUTI.SCARPA, Antonello Tolve, Artribune, 2021 (it)
Da Alessandra Bonomo, il confronto tra Lulù Nuti e Delfina Scarpa, critic review, Davide Silvioli, Segno Online, 2021 (it)
NUTI.SCARPA, critic review, Alessandra Caldarelli, ATP Diary, 2021 (it)
ROMA NUDA, 60 conversazioni sull'Arte, Curated by Giuseppe Armogida and Marco Folco, ed. Miniera, 2020
ON NATURE, NON FICTION issue 2, 2020
"Portrait of a young artist : Lulù Nuti", HEROLDIAN JOURNAL, issue n.1, 2020 (en)
THE MILKY WAY 5, catalogue, Ed. CURA, 2020 (it)
Mitrabilia Urbis, catalogue, Ed. Viaindustriae, 2019 (it-en)
MORE, Paris-Art, 2018 (fr)
PART 1, Ludovico Pratesi, Exibart, 2018 (it)
PART 1, Federica Soldati, Exibart, 2018 (it)
Revue Profane n°6, BOA published inside “Prêts à porter”, Photographies Laurent Champoussin, texte de Gabrielle Smith, 2018 (fr)
PART 1, Galleria Alessandra Bonomo, Artecracy,2017 (it)
29 Days at Sea, the floating artist's studio, interview for Lightfoot Travel, Claire Turrell,2017 (en)
The owner's cabin, si conclude la terza residenza a bordo di una nave, Insideart,2017 (it)
Il Sistema in equilibrio di Lulù Nuti, Donato Di Pelino, Artapartofculture, 2016 (it)
Sistema di Lulù Nuti : interrogare il passato, progettare il futuro, Cabette, 2016 (it)
Réserves : Dessin d'une métamorphose, Chaima Ben Haj Ali, Catégorie_Arts, 2015 (fr)
Lulù Nuti : ce qui nous regarde, Chaima Ben Haj Ali, Catégorie_Arts, 2015 (fr)
Biennale du Dessin, catalogue, Ed.Beaux Arts de Paris, 2014 (fr)
Diplômés 2012, catalogue, Ed.Beaux Arts de Paris, 2013 (fr)
Le Temps d'une Ruine, une exposition de Lulù Nuti et Charlotte Boutron, Francesco Romanello, 2013 (fr)
Premio Arte Laguna V, catalogue, 2011 (it)
Intervista con LU.PA - OLO o della danza del tutto, ATPDIARY, 2018
Dialogues #2 OLO o della danza del tutto, Carmelo Cipriani, 2018
2007-2012 Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux Arts de Paris, Atelier Elsa Cayo
2011 Traineeship in weaving, Malhia Kent, Paris, France
2012 Traineeship in whrought ironwork, Ferronnier d'Art Pierre Dupont, France
1995-2003 Copy and painting, La Porta Blu, Rome, Italy